
This website: GitHub Repository

Personal website to showcase my education and software development experience. Created using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Features a navigation bar, responsive design, delayed image loading, a page to reference unix commands commonly used, and HTTPS/SSL certificates.

Senca Park Zoo Society Conservation Impact Tool:
Github Repository
Project Website

Seneca Park Zoo Society Conservation Impact Tool

The Seneca Park Zoo Society Convervation Impact Tool is a continuation senior project for SWEN-561/562. This tool aims to show the impact made by individual and organization's donations to conservation efforts made by the Seneca Park Zoo Society. Currently the project is focusing on the reforestation efforts in Madagascar where money from donations is used to plan trees and the stages of growth will be able to be tracked from the initial seed, to the sappling that is growing in a nursery, to the location and potentially images of the growing tree in a newly planted forest.

Real-Time Servo Motor Control:

Real-Time Servo Motor Control State Diagram

Projct for SWEN-563, Real-Time and Embedded Systems. This project uses the STM32L476 Discovery Board with two servo motors to run a series of commands that will move the servo motors. We used FreeRTOS to run several threads that control each of the servos using a generated PWM signal and another thread to monitor user input while the program is running. Each servo would move to a series of positions based on the input recipe and were able to change their behavior if the user entered a command during run-time.

Eight Queens Backtracker: GitHub Repository

Queens Backtracker

Jar File Download

Jar file usage: "java -jar QueenProject.jar default GUI"

Java project that determines a configuration on a chess board such that n queens can fit on the board without being in danger of attacking each other. The program has the ability to use a command line interface or a graphical user interface with JavaFX. This project uses the classic backtracking algorithm to find a solution.

Object and Load Module Editor:

Module Editor Image

Project for CSCI-243, The Mechanics of Programming. The project was developed in C and allows the user to view and edit object and load modules written for the MIPS R2000 CPU in binary. The program works by reading the module into dynamic memory, then sections of the file can be viewed. For many of the sections their binary values can be changed in memory, then the user can overwrite the old file and exit or discard the changes. For extra credit, I developed a history command the shows the last ten commands with the ability to repeat any of them.

Plan A+ UX Mock:
UX Mock for Mobile Application

Project for Human Centered Requirements and Design where a UX mock was created for a mobile application that allows teachers to add assignments and grades to the application while students can view the assignment, turn an assignment in, message teachers for help, and schedule a meeting. The mock was created using an online tool and allows for each page of the application to be designed along with the transitions.

Library Book Management System: GitHub Repository

Design Document Download
Jar File Download

Initial login credentials for use with jar file: Username = "admin", Password = "password"

Project done for Engineering of Software Subsystems class. The project consisted of creating a command line interface for a given API that a library book management system would use, then developing a GUI that allowed easier use of the system. The management system allowed the library to purchase books from the Google Books store, users could checkout books, employees could manage the users, etc. The project was coded in Java using JavaFX for the GUI. Topics that were learned and used for this project include Threading, Serialization, Google Books web service usage, Object-Oriented design pattern usage, and much more.

Raspberry Pi LED Blinker:
Raspberry Pi with Breadboard

Project for Engineering Fundamentals of Computer Systems that incorporates a circuit with a Raspberry Pi. A simple circuit is created with a LED and a breadboard that is wired to a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi. The Pi was programmed to turn on the GPIO pin for a half a second and then turn the same pin off for half a second causing the LED to blink. All programming for this project was done without the use of the Raspberry Pi OS.

Sudoku-Solver: GitHub Repository

Personal project in C++ that uses a brute force backtracking algorithm to solve a sudoku puzzle. The user can edit the input file to set all the values for the initial board, then when the program is run it reads the file, searches for a solution and either prints the solution or tells the user that a solution does not exist. Using a brute force algorithm can be a problem in some situations, however with the small scope of this project and the performance of C++ a solution is found within a fraction of a second.

Automatic Start/Stop:
Digital Circuit

Project for Engineering Fundamentals of Computer Systems where a digital hardware design was created for an automatic start/stop feature on modern cars. The circuit aims to detect when the vehicle is in stop and go traffic so the stop start system can be disabled to prevent excessive wear on the starting system of a car. Three counters work as timers to detect when three stops have been completed within the span of five minutes. This system tells the vehicle to disable automatic stop/start during that time period.

Timer-Stopwatch: GitHub Repository

Simple JavaScript project that implements a timer and stopwatch in the browser. The timer can count down any combination of minutes and seconds that are both positive and less than 100. The stopwatch allows starting and stopping as well as the ability to track laps. The user can switch between using either the timer or stopwatch feature with a simple toggle switch.

HealthNet Calendar

Web Application for a software engineering class. The project was completed using the Django framework in Python. The application allows hospitals to organize information about employees and patients and can store medical records for the patients. From the main page a patient or employee can login and view their account information and they are able to schedule appointments with doctors. On the accounts homepage there is a calendar that shows all appointments with either patients and doctors depending on who is logged it. Admins can view information for all users and can change things as necessary.

Wildfire Image

Project for CSCI-243, The Mechanics of Programming. The project was developed in C using vim and creates a simulation of a wildfire in the forest. The program starts out by generating a forest with a given density and a percentage of the trees to start out burning. By default it displays this with the settings on the command line and uses cursor control to overlay the grid of the next cycle on top of the previous one creating a "poor mans animation." There are settings that can be applied to the program through command line options including the initial density, the percentage of trees burning at the first cycle, the probability that a tree will catch on fire, etc. In the image above there are four states that a grid cell can have, empty (represented by a space character), tree (Y), burning (*), or burned(.).

Tic-Tac-Toe Game: GitHub Repository

Tic-Tac-Toe Display

A small personal project that uses C++ to play tic-tac-toe on the command line. When the game is started two players alternate taking turns by entering the coordinates of the square they would like to claim, the game ends when one player gets three squares in a line or there are no more possible moves resulting in a stalemate. The project uses only one class, the game board, to simulate the game.